We are emeralds and diamonds,
Lost by the moon;
Found by the sun,
And picked up soon.

See answer

Deep, deep, do they go.
Spreading out as they go.
Never needing any air.
They are sometimes as fine as hair.

See answer

My first is second in line;
I send shivers up your spine;
not quite shining bright
I glitter in the light.

See answer

White bird, featherless, flying out of paradise. Flying over sea and land. Dying in my hand.

See answer

What can be grown without sun or soil and can either provide nourishment or deliver poison?

See answer

Barren location, infertile and dry;
my name means "to leave", it's not heard to see why.

See answer

Before I grow I'm small.
When I'm old I grow tall.
When I die I give a mighty fall.
What am I?

See answer

What type of bow can never be tied?

See answer

My step is slow, the snow's my breath
I give the ground, a grinding death
My marching makes an end of me
Slain by sun or drowned in sea.

See answer

The plant that is responsible for spreading a lot of gossip.

See answer

My rings are not worth much, but they do tell my age. What am I?

See answer

They say each one is totally unique.

See answer

If you slash it, It heals at once.

See answer

Green but not a lizard, white without being snow, and bearded without being a man.

See answer

Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.

See answer

A section of the calendar dedicated to mother nature.

See answer

I am the red tongue of the earth, that buries cities.

See answer

Which is the oldest tree?

See answer

I come when the weather is at its prime,
Though, it might be wise to leave nothing on the street.
But, in the wintertime
My name is obsolete
What am I?

See answer

I do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal everyday. What am I?

See answer

It can't be seen or felt.
It can't be touched or smelt.
Behind stars and under hills.
All emptiness it fills.
What is it?

See answer

In wealth I abound; in water I stand;
As a fencer I'm valued all over the land;
At Venice I'm famous; by farmers I'm prized;
Respected by law, yet huntsmen despised;
Consternation and ruin ensue when I break;
And the beasts of the forest advantage won't take.

See answer

They come in many varieties: Red, Black, Dead, and Caspian to name a few.

See answer

Shifting, Shifting, Drifting deep.
Below me great and mighty cities sleep.
Swirling, Scurlling, All around.
I'm only where no water will be found.

See answer

I am always with my partner, and I make noise that you never see me create. What am I?

See answer

He stands beside the road. In a purple cap at tattered green cloak. Those who touch him, curse him.

See answer

My first a blessing sent to earth, of plants and flowers to aid the birth; my second surely was designed to hurl destruction on mankind; my whole a pledge from pardoning heaven, of wrath appeased and crimes forgiven.

See answer

What has a mouth but can't chew?

See answer

I have many ears, this may be true
But no matter how you shout,
I'll never hear you.
What am I?

See answer

Though my beauty is becoming I can hurt you just the same;
I come in many colors; I am what I am by any other name.

See answer

Looks like water, but it's heat.
Sits on sand, lays on concrete.
A play on the eyes, but it's all lies.
What is it?

See answer

I am seen in the water and in the sky. I am in the rainbow and a jay's feather. What am I?

See answer

My first two letters say my name. My last letter asks a question. What I embrace I destroy. What am I?

See answer

The wave, over the wave, a weird thing I saw, Through-wrought, and wonderfully ornate: A wonder on the wave-water became bone.

See answer

Material for making balls and men that only shows up at certain times of the year.

See answer

In birth I spring forth, in life I unfold. In death I wilt and die, but rebirth restores all.

See answer

At the end of my yard there is a vat,
four-and-twenty ladies dancing in that;
Some in green gowns, and some with blue hat;
He is a wise man who can tell me that.

See answer

You might see me in the sky, by a waterfall it’s lower. Some say that I was first seen after a flood by Noah. What am I?

See answer

What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

See answer

What do you call a fake Irish stone?

See answer

A hill full, a hole full; yet you cannot catch a bowl full. What is it?

See answer

In the forest, this blends in just right, but every December it is covered with lights. What is it?

See answer

I'm not a bird, but I can fly through the sky. I'm not a river, but I'm full of water. What am I?

See answer

I have a body of stone and a fiery heart, and sooner or later my head and I will part. What am I?

See answer

A tiny bead, like fragile glass, strung along a cord of grass.

See answer

I have split the one into five.
I am the circle that few will spy.
I am the path that breaks and gives.
I am the bow no man may bend.
What am I?

See answer

I am a small paradise surrounded by dryness and heat. What am I?

See answer

Ne'er the same,
In multitude you see me.
You love me, you hate me,
What am I?

See answer

What is the thing which, once poured out, cannot be gathered again?

See answer

If a lion had a Christmas music album, what would it be called?

See answer

What has a head yet it never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, can run but can not walks, and has a bank but not a cent to its name?

See answer

I get chopped, decorated and on one end you’ll see wings on top. What am I?

See answer

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