How to play

  • Drag and drop the letters into the empty cells, making sure that each row, column, and main diagonal contains the given Greek letters without any repetitions (these cells have a blue background);
  • Every grid starts with the first row and a few other cells already filled;
  • During gameplay:
    • Drag a given Greek letter (blue background) and drop it into an empty cell;
    • To remove a letter you placed, click on it within the grid.
  • If you make a logical error, such as repeating letters in the same row, column, or main diagonal, the misplaced cells will be highlighted with a red border;
  • The game concludes when all cells are correctly filled;
  • Remember that each game can be solved using logical reasoning alone, without any guessing;
  • The difficulty level affects the grid size and the logical strategies required to solve it.


  • If this is your first time playing, start with the "Very Easy" grid to understand the rules clearly;
  • Begin by examining the grid and identifying the letter that appears most frequently. You will likely use it right away;
  • Logic strategies like "Naked Pairs" and "Hidden Pairs" commonly used in Sudoku puzzles can also be applied in this game.


The Greek letters present in this game are: Δ (Delta), Θ (Theta), Λ (Lambda), Ξ (Csi), Π (Pi), Σ (Sigma), Φ (Phi), Ψ (Psi) and Ω (Omega).

This logic game was originally created by Leonid Mochalov.

Improving Mental Agility by Playing Greekest

Playing Greekest is not just an entertaining pastime; it's a mental workout that enhances cognitive functions and improves mental agility. The game's requirement for players to place Greek letters into a grid without repetition across rows, columns, and diagonals demands a high level of focus and the ability to foresee the consequences of each move. This constant engagement of the brain's problem-solving and critical thinking faculties can lead to sharper mental reflexes over time. As players navigate through increasingly complex levels, they train their brains to recognize patterns and develop strategies more quickly, effectively turning the game into a dynamic exercise for the mind.

Moreover, Greekest's design, which allows for each puzzle to be solved purely through logical reasoning, encourages players to discard guesswork in favor of methodical thinking. This disciplined approach to problem-solving can have far-reaching benefits beyond the game, as it fosters a habit of approaching real-life challenges with patience and logic. The mental agility gained from regularly playing Greekest can thus translate into improved decision-making skills and a more analytical mindset in everyday situations. As players progress and tackle larger grids with more challenging configurations, the mental dexterity required to succeed can lead to a noticeable increase in mental resilience and adaptability.

Enhancing Learning with Greekest

Incorporating Greekest into educational settings can be a powerful way to enhance learning and develop critical thinking skills among students. The game's reliance on logical reasoning to place Greek letters correctly on a grid mirrors the analytical processes involved in subjects like mathematics, programming, and the sciences. By presenting challenges that must be solved through deduction and strategic planning, Greekest serves as a practical tool for students to apply theoretical knowledge in a controlled, engaging environment. It encourages a systematic approach to problem-solving, where students learn to evaluate all possible outcomes and understand the importance of step-by-step reasoning. This can help in fostering a mindset that values persistence and logical analysis, which are essential skills in academic pursuits and scientific inquiry.

Furthermore, Greekest's scalable difficulty levels make it suitable for a wide range of age groups and abilities, allowing educators to tailor the complexity of the puzzles to the classroom's needs. For younger students, the game can be a fun introduction to the concepts of patterns and sequences, while for older or more advanced students, it can be used to illustrate more complex logical constructs and problem-solving techniques. The immediate feedback provided by the game, through visual cues like the red borders for errors, offers a form of self-assessment, enabling students to learn from their mistakes and improve their reasoning with minimal intervention. This kind of active learning, where students are directly involved in the process of discovery and correction, can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and a more personal investment in the learning process.


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