Is said to make the world go around, but only if we let it. It puts a value on a thing, and makes you do some crazy things, just so you can get it.

See answer

Sometimes I am light, sometimes I am dark. What am I?

See answer

I'm in a box, full of that which is most rare.
But I'm not a flute, and I'm not some hair.
Though soft be my bed, I'm as hard as a rock.
While dull in the dark, I glisten once unlocked.

See answer

Men cut this by attaching a razor to a broom handle or just have their wives do it.

See answer

As your ideas grow, I shrink. What am I?

See answer

What's the red stuff between elephant's toes?

See answer

I walked and walked and at last I got it. I didn't want it. So I stopped and looked for it. When I found it, I threw it away.

See answer

Oh how I love my dancing feet!
They stay together - oh so neat.
And when I want to walk a line,
They all stay together and do double time.
I count them up, ten times or more,
And race on-off, across the floor.

See answer

To unravel me, you need a key. No key that was made by locksmith's hand, but a key that only I will understand. What am I?

See answer

I have fangs and enjoy piercing holes with a single bite. What am I?

See answer

What comes in many varieties and can't be seen or touched, but it often makes you move?

See answer

Black we are and much admired,
Men seek us if they are tired,
We tire the horse, comfort man,
Guess this riddle if you can.

See answer

It is everything to someone, and nothing to everyone else. What is it?

See answer

A great mysterious place that the bold have been known to journey into.

See answer

The strangest creature you'll ever find: Two eyes in front and many many more behind.

See answer

What has a foot but no leg?

See answer

I am black and white and full of fuzz. What am I?

See answer

They took me from my mother's side where I was bravely bred
and when to age I did become they did cut off my head.
They gave to me some diet drink that often made me mad
but it made peace between two kings and made two lovers glad.

See answer

Why is there a higher possibility of finding love and romance in Egypt?

See answer

A leathery snake,
With a stinging bite,
I'll stay coiled up,
Unless I must fight.
What am I?

See answer

If you break me, I do not stop working. If you touch me, I may be snared. If you lose me, nothing will matter.

See answer

I cannot be burned in fire or drowned in water. What am I?

See answer

What do your eyes do when you see a tough geometry problem?

See answer

I bubble and laugh
And spit water in your face.
I am no lady,
And I don't wear lace.

See answer

The more you look at it, the less you see.

See answer

What I am filled, I can point the way. When I am empty. Nothing moves me. I have two skins. One without and one within.

See answer

What odd number becomes even when beheaded?

See answer

When I live I cry, If you don't kill me I'll die.

See answer

How far can a dog run into the woods?

See answer

Early ages the iron boot tread,
With Europe at her command.
Through time power slipped and fled,
'til the creation of new holy land.
Who am I?

See answer

What number has all letters in alphabetical order when spelled out?

See answer

A young lady walked through the meadow and scattered her glass pearls. The Moon saw this, yet didn't tell her. The Sun woke up and gathered the pearls.

See answer

What must be in the oven yet cannot be baked?
Grows in the heat yet shuns the light of day?
What sinks in water but rises with air?
Looks like skin, but is fine as hair?

See answer

What is it something that you always have but you always leave behind?

See answer

I can be the book one can never finish reading. What am I?

See answer

I can help you to mend. I hide my body but never my head. What am I?

See answer

What can you keep after giving it to someone?

See answer

I am not alive but seem so, because I dance and breathe with no legs or lungs of my own. What am I?

See answer

What is the last thing you take off before bed?

See answer

There is a body without a heart. That has a tongue and yet no head. Buried it was before it was made, and loud it speaks and yet is dead.

See answer

What is a ghost's favorite fruit?

See answer

Sometimes it glitters, but often not;
May be cold, or may be hot!
Ever changing though the eye can't measure,
concealed within are many treasures.
Some find safety beneath its gate,
while some may die beneath its weight!
Old and broken, it brings forth life.

See answer

Who works when he plays and plays when he works?

See answer

What points the way without a hand.
It floats on water but exists on land?

See answer

All about the house, with his lady he dances,
yet he always works, and never romances.
Who is it?

See answer

Through its wounds, water does run. It once held many but now has none. What is it?

See answer

In the ground I am nothing, but give me time and I'll be something. What am I?

See answer

I shift around, though always slowly. I never move more than a few inches at a time. A large movement by me can kill many people. I am huge, yet unseen by humans. What am I?

See answer

How many hairs are in a bunny rabbit's tail?

See answer

The ones in the sea are prickly, but the ones on the street might pickpocket you.

See answer

What animal has feet on the head?

See answer

I am everywhere but cannot be seen, captured or held, only heard. What am I?

See answer

I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?

See answer

This mother comes from a family of eight,
Supports her children in spite of their weight,
Turns around without being called,
Has held you since the time you crawled.

See answer

A pet shop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears." A young man bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn't say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot. How can this be?

See answer

Turns us on our backs, and open up our stomachs. You will be the wisest of men though at start a lummox.

See answer

A bird done at every meal.

See answer

I am the man who went one day on top of a Joppa house to pray.
And while I waited for my meat, I dreamed I saw a great big sheet.
Let down from heaven and inside, fowls and creeping things did ride.
The one who prayed was told to eat, for God had cleansed this “common” meat.
Who am I?

See answer

Where are you guaranteed to find gold on St. Patrick's Day?

See answer

I bind it and it walks. I loose it and it stops.

See answer

What do you get if you cross a bee and a bunny?

See answer

What must take a bow before it can speak?

See answer

What moves across the land but never has to steer?
It has delivered our goods year after year.
What is it?

See answer

I roam through the lands hoping to rescue my love. I search high and low, and will stomp on you if you get in my way. What am I?

See answer

My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I'm often invited to play.
Yet wherever I go, I must take my bow or else I have nothing to say.
What am I?

See answer

What has roots that nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
Yet it never grows?

See answer

How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?

See answer

What covers its face with its hands, speaks no language, yet most known what it's saying?

See answer

He died for people's entertainment.

See answer

There she goes over the road, a young mare that is whinnying. A fiery spot on her forehead, with her hindquarters ablaze.

See answer

What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?

See answer

It's in your hand though you cannot feel it.
Only you and time can reveal it.

See answer

It was a tradition long ago,
When the world was dark and full of woe.
When men turned darkness into light,
By mixing, melting and decanting in the night,
To seek for youth and gold and riches,
Just to be burned as witches.

See answer

When is it bad luck to see a black cat?

See answer

With my pair I should be,
But I am usually alone you see,
For a monster always eats me.
Do you know what I must be?

See answer

Where do turkeys go to dance?

See answer

Where does a rabbit go for a shampoo?

See answer

How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb?

See answer

A thing with a thundering breech. It weighing a thousand welly. I have heard it roar louder than Guy's wild boar. They say it hath death in its belly.

See answer

What bird is always unhappy?

See answer

You have to travel far before you turn it over. What is it?

See answer

When we stand up it lies flat. When we lie back it stands up.

See answer

I cannot be bought, cannot be sold, even if I'm sometimes made of gold. What am I?

See answer

I cannot be other than what I am,
Until the man who made me dies,
Power and glory will fall to me finally,
Only when he last closes his eyes.

See answer

As strong as love, more dangerous than cancer.

See answer

Gets rid of bad ones, short and tall. Tightens when used, one size fits all.

See answer

The artistic vandal's best friend.

See answer

What do you call a greedy grumpy holiday hater?

See answer

Faster than a twitch!
Fly with me to the Pitch!
With a seeker, a keeper,
Or a chaser, a beater,
Wizard or witch;
I play a mean game of Quidditch.
What am I?

See answer

What can hold all days, weeks, and months but still fit on a table?

See answer

Sometimes dark and sometimes bright,
I make my way among twinkling lights.
Seas and oceans obey my call,
yet mountains I cannot move at all.
My face is marred and gray,
but I'm majestic anyway.
What am I?

See answer

I am born in fear, raised in truth,
And I come to my own in deed.
When comes a time that I'm called forth,
I come to serve the cause of need.

See answer

My first is in some but not in all.
My second is into but not in tall.
My third in little but no in big.
My fourth in port but not in pig.
My whole is made in nature's way.
For clothing, rugs used every day.

See answer

I don't exist unless you cut me, but if you stab me I won't bleed. I hate no one yet am abhorred by all. What am I?

See answer

Green arrows grow out of my sides. I go from yellow to white. My babies fly in the wind. What am I?

See answer

Its title means book.

See answer

Patch upon patch, without any stitches, if you tell me this riddle, I'll give you my breeches.

See answer

What can you fold but not crease?

See answer

It's shorter than the rest, but when you're happy, you raise it up like it's the best. What is it?

See answer

I am a term used to confirm. But take away my front, my face, I become known as human avarice.

See answer

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