How to play

  • Choose a game type:
    • Clues and Mix: Every word comes with its own hint;
    • One Clue: A single clue is given for all the words;
    • Two Clues: Each word comes with two clues.
  • Choose two letters (from the same word or from different words) and switch their places;
  • If a letter turns green, that means it's in the right spot in its word. You can't swap that letter anymore;
  • Use the provided hints and switch around the letters until you've figured out all the scrambled words.


  • A helpful strategy is to start by determining the correct position of the given vowels, especially the letters "e," "a," and "o," as they are commonly found in English words;
  • Keep in mind that vowels usually appear between two consonants;
  • Many words contain digraphs, which are two letters that create a single sound. Examples include "th," "sh," "ch," "ck," "wh," "ai," "oo," "ey," and others. If you identify the correct placement of a letter that could be part of a digraph, see if it forms one.

Mixed Words and Language Learning: How It Helps

Mixed Words serves as an engaging tool for language learning, offering a dynamic way to enhance one's vocabulary and understanding of word structure. As players interact with various clues and scramble to rearrange letters, they are not only exposed to new words but also to the context in which these words are used. This exposure is critical in language acquisition, as it allows learners to see the practical application of vocabulary rather than merely memorizing definitions. The game's tiered clue system challenges players to think critically about word relationships and meanings, fostering deeper cognitive connections with the language.

Moreover, Mixed Words aids in reinforcing spelling skills and grammatical understanding. The process of switching letters to achieve the correct word order mirrors the trial-and-error learning that occurs naturally when mastering a language. The immediate feedback of a letter turning green when correctly placed provides a sense of accomplishment and encourages continued play, which translates to more learning opportunities. As players advance through the game, they become more adept at recognizing word patterns and sentence structures, skills that are invaluable in achieving fluency in a new language. Through playful interaction, Mixed Words makes language learning not only effective but also enjoyable.

Why Mixed Words Is Great for Brain Training

Mixed Words stands out as an excellent resource for brain training by engaging players in complex cognitive tasks that stimulate the brain. The game's premise of rearranging letters to form correct words requires a blend of cognitive functions including problem-solving, pattern recognition, and memory. These mental exercises are akin to a workout for the brain, promoting mental agility and the ability to think quickly under pressure. As players decipher clues and juggle letters, they are also honing their short-term memory and improving their working memory capacity, which are crucial for daily cognitive tasks.

Furthermore, Mixed Words offers a mental challenge that can help to maintain and improve cognitive health over time. Regularly playing word games like Mixed Words has been associated with a sharper mind and can be a fun way to potentially delay the onset of cognitive decline. The satisfaction of solving a puzzle and the incremental increase in difficulty with each level completed serve to keep the player engaged and motivated. This sustained engagement is key in brain training, ensuring that the brain continues to forge new neural pathways and reinforce existing ones. In essence, Mixed Words is more than just entertainment; it's a brain-boosting activity that can contribute to a healthier, more active mind.


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