How to play

  • Pick a letter from the keyboard to see if it's in the mysterious word. Then, look at the color behind it:
    • If it is white, the letter isn't in the hidden word;
    • If it is yellow, the letter is in the word, but it's not in the right spot;
    • If it is green, the letter is in the word and it's in the correct place.
  • You can guess 7 times to figure out the mysterious word;
  • Every time you guess, you need to pick a certain number of letters;
  • The goal is to find the hidden word in as few guesses as possible;
  • The game ends if you find the hidden word or if you've used up all your guesses.


  • First, try to see if the word contains the letters that are used a lot in English, like "etaoi";
  • Another good idea is to first find out which letters are in the word, and then work out where they should go.

More info

  • The mysterious words are made of different letters, no letter repeats;
  • The words don't include names, slang words, or short forms;
  • This game is a bit like mixing the games Wordzilla and Hangman together.

How Mysterious Words Teaches Problem-Solving Skills

Mysterious Words is not just a game of luck; it's a brain-teasing journey that sharpens problem-solving skills with each play. The game's premise is simple yet challenging: players must decode a hidden word using color-coded feedback from their guesses. This process mirrors the problem-solving steps of hypothesis testing and revision. Each guess is an experiment, each color a piece of data, and players must think critically about what their results mean. As they deduce which letters are correct and in the right position, they're engaging in a cycle of forming hypotheses, testing them, and refining their understanding based on the evidence presented. This iterative process is at the heart of problem-solving, teaching players to analyze their past actions and adapt their strategy for better outcomes.

Moreover, Mysterious Words fosters an environment where players learn the value of strategic planning. With only seven attempts to uncover the mystery, each choice of letters must be made with careful consideration, drawing on inferences from previous rounds. The game encourages players to look for patterns, consider the probability of certain letters' positions based on the language, and systematically eliminate impossibilities. This kind of logical reasoning and pattern recognition is crucial in problem-solving, whether in mathematics, science, or daily life challenges. By playing Mysterious Words, individuals enhance their ability to think ahead, weigh their options, and make decisions based on logical deduction, all of which are essential skills for effective problem-solving.

Developing Patience and Persistence Through Mysterious Words

Mysterious Words is more than a mere pastime; it's a subtle teacher of patience and persistence. Players quickly learn that hasty guesses lead to dead ends, while measured, thoughtful selections pave the path to success. The game's structure, limiting guesses to seven, instills a sense of patience in players. They must resist the urge to rush through their attempts and instead take the time to consider each clue's implications carefully. This enforced pause in decision-making cultivates a patience that is invaluable in a world that often demands immediate results.

Simultaneously, Mysterious Words instills a sense of persistence. The journey to the solution is fraught with setbacks—incorrect guesses that might discourage the faint of heart. Yet, the game's design encourages players to persevere, to learn from each incorrect attempt, and to apply that knowledge to the next guess. This iterative learning process is the essence of persistence: the understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, but a stepping stone towards it. As players engage with the game over time, they develop a resilience that helps them to face challenges with a steadfast determination, knowing that patience and persistence are allies in the quest for the solution, both in the game and beyond its virtual boundaries.


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