There is a man in a 4 story building. He jumps out of the window and is unharmed. He used no padding, and had no harm done. How?

See answer

I have eight to spare and am covered with hair.

See answer

What is bought by the yard by is worn by the foot?

See answer

What kind of apple has a short temper?

See answer

If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what does it become?

See answer

What type of dress can never be worn?

See answer

What’s has feathers, a bowed head and kneels?

See answer

What do mathematics teachers like to eat?

See answer

What has a bottom right at the top?

See answer

Teddy bears are never hungry because they are always what?

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What do pandas have that no other animal has?

See answer

What did one math book say to another?

See answer

When you do not know what I am, then I am something. But when you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I?

See answer

A device for finding furniture in the dark.

See answer

How a big, hibernating mammal would show affection.

See answer

What do you call two witches who live together?

See answer

What’s the reason why didn’t Jonah trust the ocean?

See answer

What do you get when you cross a chicken and a pig?

See answer

What do elves learn in school?

See answer

What is a shark’s most favorite bible story?

See answer

What do you get when you cross a vampire and teacher?

See answer

What is a cat on ice?

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What day, within a week of today, does not end in "Y"?

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What can you never have for breakfast?

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What takes hours to pull off
Is most satisfying when it's done
And requires consent from the person you're doing it to?

See answer

I am owned by every man, though my length differs. Their wives uses me after getting married. What am I?

See answer

What do elves do after school?

See answer

What kind of cup doesn't hold water?

See answer

What kind of fish chases a mouse?

See answer

What is red and smells like blue paint?

See answer

What does a newspaper reporter use to dry himself after his shower?

See answer

Who always enjoys poor health?

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What is a witch's favorite school subject?

See answer

I fly away as soon as you set me loose. People around you may slowly move away once they sense my presence. What am I?

See answer

I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow. Who am I?

See answer

What are you certain to find inside your pocket when you reach into it?

See answer

What ship has no captain but two mates?

See answer

There is an ancient invention. Still used in some parts of the world today. That allows people to see through walls.

See answer

Where do butterflies sleep?

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If two is a company and three is a crowd, what are four and five?

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What is never eaten before lunch?

See answer

What is big and yellow and comes in the morning to brighten mom's day?

See answer

What is it that no man wants, but no man wants to lose?

See answer

What did Sir Lancelot wear to bed?

See answer

When your undies attack you.

See answer

What is an astronaut's favorite snack?

See answer

What is the wealthiest nut?

See answer

What kind of dog chases anything red?

See answer

What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?

See answer

I saw a strange creature,
Long, hard, and straight,
Thrusting in a round, dark, opening,
Preparing to discharge its load of lives,
Puffing and squealing noises accompanied it,
Then a final screech as it slowed and stopped.

See answer

Which is the oldest tree?

See answer

What do angels sing in the shower?

See answer

What does a cat have that no other animal has?

See answer

What follows a dog wherever it goes?

See answer

With pointed fangs it sits in wait,
With piercing force it doles out fate,
Over bloodless victims proclaiming its might,
Eternally joining in a single bite
What is it?

See answer

What's red and bad for your teeth?

See answer

According to many students, dogs have an appetite for this paper item.

See answer

I cannot hear or even see,
But sense light and sounds there may be,
Sometimes I end up on a hook,
I can be combined with a book.
What am I?

See answer

I stink in living but when dead smells good. What am I?

See answer

What key is the hardest to turn?

See answer

What is the best possible way to study the Bible?

See answer

This type of tempting cuisine is independent of utensils and usually tastes better than it sounds.

See answer

All day long it's in and out. I discharge loads from my shaft. Both men and women go down on me. What am I?

See answer

I am the place to turn when nature calls. What am I?

See answer

What is the difference between one yard and two yards?

See answer

What does a stone become when in the water?

See answer

He is not the skinniest of felines.

See answer

What's the one thing that Democrats and Republicans share in common?

See answer

What goes up and down without moving?

See answer

What suits do lawyers wear?

See answer

How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?

See answer

A big shiny black car nobody wants to be a passenger in.

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You are a bus driver, 8 people get on, 2 people get off, 2 more people get on and another 1 get off. Finally, 3 more people get on and 2 get off again. How old is the bus driver?

See answer

Where do sailors take their baths?

See answer

What has a head yet it never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps, can run but can not walks, and has a bank but not a cent to its name?

See answer

I saw a strange creature. Long, hard, and straight, thrusting into a round, dark opening. Preparing to discharge its load of lives. Puffing and squealing noises accompanied it, then a final screech as it slowed and stopped.

See answer

What did the complementary angle say to the isosceles triangle?

See answer

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