I am like thunder in your cranium. What am I?

See answer

What runs but cannot walk?

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Raise your right appendage high above your head. Turn your head to the right and you will smell this.

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This small creature kills even the largest one. What is it?

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Everyone claims to know a way to stop these involuntary contractions but none of them work.

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What Botox will do to your expression.

See answer

Deposit red liquid in me. What am I?

See answer

These are the bumpy parts of your digits.

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What is something you can hold without ever touching?

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You can break me, and I still work. If you touch me, you're mine. What am I?

See answer

I do not have eyes but I once could see. I used to have thoughts but now I'm empty. What am I?

See answer

I live next to beauty trying to catch your eye.
Grab me without looking, and you're surely to cry.
What am I?

See answer

Different lights do make me strange, thus into different sizes I will change.

See answer

Everyone loses us as a child, and neglecting us makes us holy. What are we?

See answer

I am rarely touched but often held, and if you are smart you'll use me well. What am I?

See answer

A vessel have I, that is round as pear, moist in the middle, surrounded with hair; and often it happens that water flows there.

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The only amusing part of the body. What am I?

See answer

I am the reaction after enjoying soda. What am I?

See answer

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